7 Tips In Creating A More Effective Solid Waste Management Plan

There are several ways in which businesses can benefit from having solid waste management plans. Being able to manage and dispose of waste efficiently can lead to savings and increased revenue. It can also contribute to process improvement at the workplace and significantly affect the environment. Aside from reaping the benefits, companies with an effective plan also steer clear of potential fines set by local governments regarding waste management.

Here are seven tips for creating a more effective solid waste management plan.

1. Identify the waste that you produce

It’s important to know what different types of waste your business is producing to identify the corresponding ways to manage and dispose of it properly. Solid waste management plans anchored on data gathered from research and observation have a good chance of succeeding. Disposal of medical waste is different from discarding food or paper products. This will also help you align with your local government’s waste management rules and avoid being fined for violations.

2. Reduce the amount of waste

A good way to save money on waste handling is to cut down on the amount of waste to begin with. When drafting solid waste management plans for your business, consider promoting reusable items in the workplace. Adopting a paperless policy slashes the paper waste used for letters and receipts. Using reusable utensils in the office cafeteria minimizes the volume of trash due to accumulated paper cups, etc.

3. Donate or sell

Scheduling a few days a year where you sell or donate stuff is also a way to reduce your contribution to landfills. Instead of throwing out old dishes and equipment, hold a yard sale. Same goes for excess inventory on apparel that can no longer be sold in boutiques. You can use the money generated from the event towards giving back to your employees or a charity of your choice.

4. Separate recyclable items and compost food

An oldie but goodie method that can benefit solid waste management plans for businesses is to have separate containers for recyclable items. Sorting out the items from the get go makes it easier to transport them to the proper recycling facility. As for organic waste, composting is an excellent long-term method. Schools can compost their food scraps and later use it in their garden for practical learning, and garden centers can dump fallen leaves and fruits in the compost bin as well.

5. Make it a social activity

The success of solid waste management plans rest in the diligent participation of everyone involved. Make sure you promote it to your employees and clients. Set goals that people can work towards to make it fun and inspiring. Encouraging clients as well as employees to dispose of their waste mindfully is also good for your business image.

6. Monitor and evaluate

Once you implement your waste management plan, monitor its performance and see what areas you can improve. Are there any suggestions or comments you received that can make things better? In the end, an honest evaluation of the methods employed will guide you on how to tweak your system to make it work for you.

7. Partner with a waste services company

Consulting with a waste services company can guide you on proper waste management and disposal. Partnering with professionals means you can pick their brains for low-cost and long-term methods for various types of waste.

If you are looking for solid waste management plans that you can execute properly and within budget, we can help you at SCS Engineers. Contact us today!