Speaking and the Perfection from Sonu Sharma

Ability of speaking is important as you enter the company through the front door. This is an opportunity to be seen and shine before the decision-makers likely to engage you to intervene on advisory missions with an average daily rate more than if you come through the back door.

For readers in a hurry (or who do not like watching videos because it takes too much time) here are the key elements:

For starters: The first step to becoming a professional speaker is to have clearly identified expertise that is also the heart of your business. You want your conferences to respond directly to the needs of businesses. Do not stay generalist or offer conferences on demand. Take the time to find out what’s at the intersection of your skills, passion for a subject, and demand in business. Sonu sharma is one of these most inspirational speakers. He is also the founder of the Dynamic India Group and an author. 

Professional speaker training: Your speaking skills

How to become a professional speaker if you do not know how to speak in public? It’s impossible you have to be very comfortable in public speaking. You must develop your charisma, your eloquence and of course your ease. This is not done on its own it is an essential part of the job of a professional speaker.

Creating and delivering a professional conference requires real writing, staging and interpretation! Do not wait to start developing your public speaking skills as soon as possible. Unless you have innate talents for this (gifted people exist) you will probably need to develop this skill and learn how to speak eloquently in public. Sonu Sharma is the best example for the same.

Become a professional speaker: Create a reference group

To move forward at best

We recommend that you create a group (even small ones) to exchange and meet regularly as you work together towards a common goal: becoming a professional speaker.

  • By making commitments to have come forward by the next meeting, with respect to the group and from one week to another the good news is that you will advance on this path without realizing it. You will have less to ask yourself how to become a professional speaker within such a group.
  • Here are also two alternative and complementary options to your career as a future professional speaker.

Take training to become a speaker

They are still rare, but schools of lecturers and other trainings to become professional speakers are growing more and more.

What’s better than a seasoned professional speaker to put you on the road to becoming a professional speaker? Someone who knows how to become a speaker and stay in the long term.

Most offer a variety of pathways to help you understand the differences between the speaker and the training profession.