What Network Maintenance Services Does Your Company Need?

Business owners must follow proper protocol for maintaining and securing their company network. Network administrators manage the tasks in most cases and monitor the network every day. Reviewing what network maintenance services your company needs helps you complete maintenance appropriately. 

Network Performance Monitoring

Network performance monitoring is vital to all company networks and ensures that the network works properly. Connections speed tests are conducted to ensure that the workers are connecting to the internet at adequate speeds. The network must provide enough bandwidth for all workers and ensure that they have immediate access to all business services. If the network isn’t performing as expected, the administrator must complete changes to improve performance levels. 

Network Security Services

Network security services prevent outsiders from getting inside the network and stealing confidential data. The network administrator sets up security schemes that prevent vulnerabilities and protects the servers and databases. The administrator monitors the security of the network and all workstations connected to the network. Any devices that connect to the network are monitored including any remote connections used by workers who are traveling. Administrators use security tools to find vulnerabilities, generate reports for any attack attempts, and find better solutions for protecting the network more effectively. 

End-User Experience Monitoring

End-user experience monitoring determines if the workers and the business owner are getting everything they need out of the network design and its business services. The workers must have the right design to complete daily tasks without issues and slowdowns. End-users must have the products they need when they need the products without compromises. If the software, business services, or any network offerings aren’t performing as expected, major changes are needed to create a better network and improve the end user’s experience. Businesses must receive products that perform properly and improve business operations. Assessments are completed each day to ensure that the systems meet the company’s demands. 

Updating Network Equipment 

Updating network equipment helps the network operate more smoothly. As equipment becomes outdated, the company must make changes and get the most out of their connections and business services. Routers, bridges, and cabling are evaluated when it is time to upgrade and find better choices to support the current technology. As technological services are changing to a 5G design, all businesses must make necessary changes. 

Scaling the Network For New Workers

Scaling the network for new workers helps the company expand and set up new workstations and business phones. Increasing the size of the network makes it easier to accommodate new users and ensure that everyone has adequate bandwidth to perform daily business tasks. 

Business owners follow network maintenance steps for preventing security breaches and ensuring that all workers have access to vital business services. The steps test the connection speeds and ensure that the workstations and computers connect to the network and the internet appropriately. Assessing the end-user experience ensures that all workers are getting what they need every day to keep production levels higher. Reviewing network maintenance services shows businesses how to keep the network operating properly and avoid serious risks to confidential information. 

telecom network management software

Infographic provided by CircuitVision, a telecom network management software company