What Employers Really Want to See in your Resume

Your resume is the main document that gets you recognized and noticed by employers and recruiters. So whether you do it yourself or approach a professional resume writing service, you want to make sure that your resume is shiny enough to catch your recruiter’s eye.

As much as they clearly state what they are looking for in their job openings, it is hard to figure out what exactly it is that they want.

Of course they want experience and relevant skills and educational history, but that’s definitely not just about it. So what are they really looking for? What in particular do they want to see in your resume?

Keep in Mind You are not the only one eyeing that position

If it is an advertised job opening you saw in a magazine or in a particular site online, know that you are not the only bidder.

Well, not unless you are trying to cold pitch a specific proposal. And still, note that you are not the only smart person living; there are chances that you wouldn’t be the only one.

So you have to make sure that recruiters find what they are looking for in your proposal. And you can only achieve this by studying the opportunity and recognizing what exactly is needed.

Make Your Resume Stand Out

For your resume to stand out, it has to be different from all the others. It has to be perfect from the beginning to the end.

Don’t forget that the smallest of details make the biggest of difference. Things that may seem small like typos and bad spelling might be the ones that cost you that job.

Here are some of the things that will make your resume stand out;

  • Focus on the beginning

How you start your resume is what will set you apart from all the others. Most of the time people don’t concentrate on their openings.

The first sentences are what recruiters skim through and if they are not compelling then they tend to assume that the entire thing is the same and that’s how your resumes end up in dustbins.

If you want hiring managers to actually take time to read your resume, your first lines must be good enough.

  • Use of bullets and bolding

Use bullets and bold where necessary. It helps break down your points and makes your whole resume readable. But be careful not to overuse.

  • Format and arrangement

How you format and arrange your resume will also determine if the employer will read it. Make sure it is written in a way that they would want to know what’s in there even at a glance.

  • Punctuation and grammar

Be wary of grammar mistakes and punctuations. Read and edit your resume multiple times to eliminate any typos and spelling mistakes.

What employers want to see in your Resume

It should not be complicated. And don’t think about it too much. It is as simple as presenting what you will offer.

  • Experience, skills, and expertise

After all that is what the resume is all about. Make sure you put all your educational background, your experience and expertise, and other qualifications you have.

  • Be honest

If you exaggerate anything or are dishonest, the recruiter will know and that will cost you big time.

  • Proof of your expertise

Don’t just write; make sure you provide proof as well. Highlight a successful project you did, or some accomplishments and present your awards if you have any. Also, don’t be afraid to use live backlinks too.